
Forest School Projects

One of the key features of a forest school programme is the low adult:child ratio, led by trained forest school leaders. Adults are here to facilitate the learning of each individual child as they choose their own way of exploring, enjoying and learning in the natural setting provided. This gives adults a rare and wonderful opportunity to see a child somewhat differently than in the usual learning environment: generally an indoor classroom. It affords a similar opportunity for the child to have the adult engage with them in a much more personal and collaborative way. Combined with being in the calming effects of the forest, learning and teaching becomes a shared experience, which, when child led and ultimately child initiated is also a very happy and enriching experience for everyone. 
Children are given opportunities to reflect and review their forest school activities, and through personal observations, those adults with responsibility for the child's learning are given real insight into what makes each child tick: which, for a reflective practitioner, can have really positive impact on classroom practice.

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